Sunday, May 16, 2010


I probably haven't had as many as most people my age, but here is a bit about them.

Some people get head-achy hangovers. I've always been more of the stomach type, but it really depends on what I drank. Liquor tends to produce nausea all the next day - terrible. For some reason a mixture of beer and liquor and/or many different kinds of liquor leads to feeling like I did five hours of step aerobics the night before. Although it's beer only for me these days so I suppose I've outgrown that problem.

Eggs are the best hangover food. Gatorade, water and pop (not the kind of pop you used as a mixer the night before) are necessary.

Hair of the dog doesn't work.

Naps work wonders, as does MJ.

Everyone uses different expressions to describe their hungover state. I always say I feel like I got hit by a train. "I'm never drinking again" is common, as is "I'm dying." Some people just moan. Hungover people are the ones most likely to be described as looking like death warmed over or dragged through hell backwards.

Hangover apparel can be interesting too. Depending on how the night went, some hungover people can be found wearing strange combinations of others' clothing, such as football sweatshirts over last night's dress. Barefoot with shoes in hand is the cliche, although it's worth noting that walk of shame does not always equal hangover. I tend to get hot hangover flashes so soccer shorts or pj pants are standard.

Eating helps some people feel better, for others, it just makes them feel worse. I play for both of these teams.

I wonder if anyone has every died of a hangover? I mean, people die of dehydration and that's all a hangover is. What a terrible way to go.

Bizarrely, I am not hungover right now.

Not complaining.

Is blogging uncool now? I guess I never got the memo.

Out on bail, fresh outta jail, California dreamin,


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