Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Erev Tov

That means good evening in Hebrew.

You know your life is boring when your Google searches consist of maps to various schools you're subbing in and Michigan teacher certification information. Gone are the days of aimlessly Googling around the Internet all day between classes and all night while writing papers. Those situations always made for some interesting results. Red centipedes spelled incorrectly is a fond memory.

Today I was a kindergarten teacher and a child told me he wished I was made of metal. I'm not sure how this would have benefited either of us.

This summer I am planning to get inordinately tan and jacked from living on the beach again. Hopefully I will begin to resemble a guido. If not, oh well. After this, KMFP and I will be taking out a mortgage and buying the most extraordinary bacherlorette pad possible. It will probably be in Greater Flint and shall house a lot of beer, endearingly mismatched furniture, jars and jars of dilly beans and maybe some animals. You are welcome to the couch.

And then maybe I will find a job.

Anyway, this is what my cat's personality is like for those who haven't had the pleasure.

I am going to start prefacing everything I say with "say."

Say, would you be disappointed if I told you this post was ending?


amk said...

move to the south. its hot here. and there are mountains and the ocean.

Anonymous said...
