My students are very much into the whole "get out of your seat and show Miss L something completely random" thing. Although I am trying to break them of this habit because traveling around the classroom with a swarm of children is becoming impractical, it is also pretty funny. Some real gems:
"Miss L, look! I can fake faint!" (falls on the floor)
"Miss L, look! (points to science book excitedly) CELERY!"
"Hi Miss L. I'm Bob."
"Look. My finger's purple."
"Miss L! I have a yellow folder!"
Oh man.
Good for you, kids. I'm glad you can fake faint, have made a groundbreaking discovery about celery and have a yellow folder.
In other news, my mentor teacher ripped me a new one in my midterm eval today. Evidently I dress unprofessionally, write illegibly and use improper English.
Keep on truckin'.
Bring your coat to recess,
Miss L
I am become Death
13 years ago
oh that sucks about the eval :( Sounds like she is unprofessional bragging to you about drunken escapades. Beware of people trying to befriend you, I guess.
Hey, are you studying Special Ed by any chance?
How to look accessorize professionally (because i don't feel like talking about the clothes, too):
If hair is up: low ponytail, with a side part, one bobby pin tucked just behind your ear. (NEVER on the side or top of your head).
if hair is down: just make sure your part is perfectly straight.
jewlelry: stud earrings, (like small pearls or diamonds), a watch (NOT DIGITAL), and a simple pendant necklace. no string/"campy" bracelets. (maybe no nose rings. those don't scream professionalism all that much...)
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