Thursday, May 21, 2009

Spelling Words

Every morning, my students come in and do morning bell work. This involves daily oral language (DOL), in which a teacher writes some spelling words on the board and the kids spell them out loud and then write them down. After that, they have to use the words in sentences.

Many times these sentences are very funny, simply because of children's concepts of written vs spoken language. Today our DOL words were:

nice more skate small this
said people pretty sometimes skate

And here are some sentences I read while grading bell work:

I had a nice Jolly Rancher
We have a bigger house than this.
I have a right hand.
Sometimes I go to school.
- Mary

I said that my brothers were ugly.
- Kaliyah

Nice bike you have!
People are all around me!
- Lee (who evidently likes exclamation points)

Again, maybe not funny out of context, but we laughed hysterically at these today.

Also, today while videotaping a lesson for my professor to review, one of my students walked up and loudly and randomly informed me that she was wearing a bra. Hope it made it on tape.

Here is my professional portfolio if you want to see more of the academic, non-ridiculous side of what I've been doing the past few weeks. Check out the awesome student work samples in the curriculum unit!

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