Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Terrific Tuesdays

I would really like a vintage hat rack.

I also have successfully completed a semester's worth of work in one night and now have a startlingly ample amount of free time. Perhaps I will do a Hero Workshop writeup or two. Who should I write about? Maybs the dapper young man in suspenders and a fedora who just walked past my window.

I love lamp.


amk said...

I call dibs on a Coco Chanel for a Hero Workshop write up.

MLA said...

Do it. She's your girl.

Matt said...

Well, feel free to do so any time now :) Adam just beat both of you to the punch. But you can beat him through sheer volume :)

Kal El said...

no one can beat me! HA

amk said...

adam did not beat us. i believe we both submitted our own hero's journey last december. AND I submitted a profile on that football player.

i can't be beat. sorry.

Kal El said...

Matt said I won, his decision is final!

Christina R. said...

Hey, do you remember when we were on Mackinac Island and shannon and dado bought that hat rack and we carried it really far. Yeah. Also, I realized I am really sad that we are not having Thanksgiving together.

MLA said...

HA! I forgot about that! Why did they have a hat rack?

Oh right. It's Shannon and Dado.