Monday, November 12, 2007

A Poorly-Written Whinge about High School

I’ve been strangely nostalgic for high school lately. I miss my ratty skirt with the stapled hem that was always falling out and my favorite short-sleeved blue blouse with the ripping pocket, which my mom has sadly turned into a painting smock for her art class. I miss lying on the floor whenever I wanted during class and the stampede for puppy chow during bake sales, and the parking lot that looked like the North American Auto Show on crack, and randomly leaving class to play pranks on teachers. I miss having a desk big enough to spread all my stuff out on and classrooms that were decorated and didn’t look like prison cells. I miss the outlandish names we coined for our teachers like O’con and Mamusha and Toppo and how my math teacher cared enough to actively chase me down after a test and offer me help. I miss the sense of community and the Marian Girl archetype and feeling like I was valued in my learning environment.

And I think that if more people had gone to schools like Marian, then maybe remembering high school wouldn't be so painful as a rule.


Lisa said...

Oh man, I loved Puppy Chow. I should make some with the boys.

I miss high school sometimes too.....I missed it more in college though (about the same year as you actually).

Now I miss college. Esp. when we go over to East Lansing. Makes me miss my drinking days a lot.

Kal El said...

I miss school lunches. They were amazing, so much food for such little money. And Bosco Stick...mmmmmmmm Bosco Sticks.

MLA said...

People were killed at Marian over Bosco Sticks. If you didn't keep your elbows up, you were a goner.