Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Holy Lord. Gems found in my collegues' creative writing pieces:

"As the final seconds wound down, the buzzard went off."

Oh those pesky gymnasium buzzards.

"...fresh bake rolls shimming on the stove."

Okay, "bake" I can understand as a typo, but "shimming"? Really? Were the rolls dancing, or were they glowing? Maybe a little of both? All right then. Excuse me while I go shim to some Donna Summer music.

"She shuttered..."
Opening and closing the shutters rapidly can be very physically taxing.

"As she lied in bed..."
I'm obviously not an expert on this subject, but I feel like you should at least try to be truthful in bed. Although, I suppose if you must stretch the truth this might be the safest place to do it.

"'Get it yourself,' she said, discussed."

Did ya mean disgusted? Or did the person in question say the word "discussed?"

I can never be quite sure because you're always LYING in bed.


Matt said...

These are really from someone in your class? Scary.

MLA said...

Yes. I am traumatized.

Why can't we learn to properly write our own language? It really doesn't make us look very good.

Ms. Field said...

There's a blog that I think might either really frustrated you or make you laugh. Go to Google and search "left behind at the fishbowl" The fishbowl is one of the computer labs on campus in a building that hosts a lot of English and humanities classes. The author, who is now an alum, used to pull pieces left behind on the printers and tear them to shreds critiquing them. The ones from creative writing classes are always funny.

It was definitely a clever idea and it really motivates me to check if I've gotten all the pages I printed.