Sunday, April 04, 2010

My Bed

My bed is the best place on earth. There is little in my life that trumps getting into my bed and sleeping.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not really THAT lazy. And don't jump the gun and start lumping me in with the morbidly obese, the severely depressed, the terminally ill, the 18th century female lunatics and other typically bedridden folks who tend to be portrayed negatively. I do love being out in the world. I love doing things. I like to be busy.

However, I also love laying in bed.

A lot.

Getting into bed is usually the very best part of my day, and though the world says I should be ashamed of that, I'm not. We've been conditioned by society to believe that sleep is for the weak. If you sleep more than 6 hours every night then you're clearly not productive. And productivity is of the utmost importance. In fact, it's gotten to the point that sleeplessness is worn like a badge of honor - the darker the circles and the taller the coffee, the more badass and busy the individual.

Must do paperwork. Must clean the house. Must study more. Sleep can wait. There are things I need to accomplish. Lives to be lived.

Well, living life for me is getting into my cozy bed with clean sheets, all my pillows and the quilt my grandmother made me.

It just feels amazing.

And I am going to do it right now.

You should too!



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