Friday, March 05, 2010


That is another random exclamation from one of my fav AI students.

Oh, by the way, I'm in that class until Wednesday next week. Therefore, this site will likely become more Tard Blog-esque. The teachers like me. I am unprecedentedly good with autistic kids.

Probably because I myself have some autistic tendencies. See this blog.

I am also able to laugh at kids who bite, scratch, kick, throw, nose-pick, chew, masturbate, screech, lick, regurgitate, tackle, disrobe and urinate constantly. A ridiculous sense of humor is a defense mechanism with these particular petites.

In Paint Radio news, I cannot help but notice that the latest post has not accumulated any comments. I cannot figure out why. Where were you people in 2003? Obviously not listening to TI. Here is the implied song. Get it? GET IT?

...or lack of humor is entirely plausible. Sorry.


I can't type anymore. Got a .09 in my right, .45 in my other hand.



Matt said...

TI? You're going to have to go back to Kenny Rogers or whoever that Silver Bullet guy was. Then us old fogeys will be able to get your references.

Jamie said...

TI was never my scene.

Loving hearing the crazy stories though!

Kal El said...

I got the reference. Who I be? Rubberband man