Monday, June 08, 2009

Mississippi Queen

If I wrote the 10 commandments:

1. Thou shalt not sit together on one side of a restaurant booth if there are only two of thou. It looks stupid.

2. Laugh at children, they are hilarious.

3. Thou shalt not stack thy emptied beer pong cups.

4. Things worth coveting: Carol brownies, pens in a workplace, a full, cheap tank of gas, ShamWOW.

5. Honor thy father and thy mother, unless they have been drinking and want you to blow up an alligator pool float.

6. Adultery still isn't cool.

7. Thou shalt refill the toilet paper roll. To that end, if you plug it, you plunge it.

8. Thou shalt not make fun of someone's interest in the Duggar family. They are good people!

9. Killing people - also not cool.

10. Thou shalt not eat another's leftover takeout.


Matt said...

1. When you're in LOVE, that's the only option.

8. You can make fun of the Duggars still, right? Just not their fan?

Lisa said...

I whole-heartedly agree with #1...I like to see the person I'm in love with...much easier to stare into their eyes over burgers when they're sitting ACROSS from you.

Matt said...

Yes, but it's less easy to touch them in the ways you want to when you're in LOVE.