Five minutes ago I became inspired by this quote on Ranch Kid's Facebook:
"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they just need to run free til they find someone just as wild to run with them."
For five minutes I assumed that, because I have never been and probably will never fall in love, that this quote applied nicely to my life. I even almost put it on Facebook as well to proclaim my thoughts on the situation, as I'm constantly trying to reinvent myself via the Internet.
And then I had an epiphany. Then, thankfully, I realized that this "wild" business doesn't apply to me in the slightest. I am not wild and free, or at least not as wild and free as I'd like. I am still pathetically paranoid about what other people think of me. Plain and simple. I don't need to be tamed because I already am as tame as tame can be - I still worry unreasonably that people hate me, I am afraid of every man on the planet, and I am never less than disgusted with 90% of the things I do and 98% of what I am. I'm cynical, I eat my feelings and I don't reach out to people. The reason I will never find someone to run with me is because I'm not not running at all.
Where is MLA, and when will she start running?
I am become Death
13 years ago
Dear MLA,
I think you're looking at yourself all wrong. As long as you are being yourself, why be disguisted? its you! be happy with yourself, everyone who knows you, atleast the people who count, are happy with you. Yea, you're probably thinking I'm the last person that should be preaching that, but hey, I like to think I give good advice even though I can't follow it and hold my life together. But bottom line, you are who you are, you can't change that. So take who you are, take all that you love and those that love you, and just have the time of your life, you only live once, why spend it being unhappy with yourself and giving two squirts of piss what other people think about you? I sure as hell dont anymore, and I'm happy with it, join the club.
Fairdinkum and Oh-Eh,
P.S. Sorry about leaving the longest comment in the history of blogs.
Thank you for the "two squirts of piss" image.
And thank you for your comment.
Hey, I do what I can do when I can do it.
always just be yourself. bc the people who mind don't matter, and the people who matter won't mind.
to quote wise old dr seuss, i think.
sounds like somebody needs a zoloft and a stiff drink. quit whining. you are fine.
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