I'm back from Artichoke Land. Did you miss me?
Cheese and crackers is the superior snack.
My educational career is going to hell in a hand basket.
It is 1:42 PM and I have already made $69. Legally.
It is not Halloween yet, advertising world. Please stop trying to sell Christmas already.
If I were a carpenter and you were a lady, would you marry me anyway?
Finally, picture.
If you were a carpenter, and I was your lady, I'd marry you anyway, I'd have your baby.
What if I was Count Chocula?
well assuming he only bites people made of chocolate, id be fine with that.
I'm with you on the Christmas selling thing. Yessirreebob.
Except my kids started watching Christmas movies, oh, about 2 months ago. And then they'll watch them well into February.
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